The Naked Agent

But why


"The Naked Agent"?

Nakedness is REAL.  Nakedness is TRUTH.  Here on The Naked Agent, we encourage our guests to “bear it all” and “get naked” with our listeners as we hear of their journey and discuss the highs of their triumphs and the lows of their failures.  Our topics range from pop culture and entrepreneurialism, to social justice and economics.

Over the past 15 years as a real state broker in the Twin Cities, I have met some incredible people with amazing stories – many of them appearing on this show.  Our guests include business owners, legal professionals, inventors, clergy, authors and politicians just to name a few.

This podcast will make you laugh but our hope is that is will make you THINK.  To challenge what you know, and to explore what you don’t.

Ordinary people, with extraordinary stories.